At Armada we don’t just go through the motions when we help you set up and structure your business.

We know that once you’ve made the decision to start a business, it can feel like you’re on a rollercoaster. Where do I start? Will I make enough money? How will it affect my life? And those questions just keep rolling in…

We have the experience and know-how to take you through the whole process in a calm and logical way.  

Is your business structured correctly and do you have enough equity?
The right legal structure you select for your business will help protect the stake holders and your attractiveness in the market. With Infin8 Success for Business, Armada can help you get the best possible start to your venture.

A well structured business will:

  • Enable tax savings in the future.
    Limit liability to the owners.
  • Enhance growth potential and – attract customers.
  • Be flexible for future sale and for incoming and outgoing partners.

Why is it important to determine your working capital needs?
With Infin8 Success for Business, Armada will help you understand your working capital requirements through detailed cash flow projections that are essential for your business.

Determining a working capital helps:

  • Identify cash flow requirements from the outset, with no surprises.
  • Reduce risk and increase your appeal to the source funds with financiers.
  • Protect your assets by selecting the rights type of capital for your needs – debt or equity.

Do you have the right accounting software that suits your business?
By analyzing your bookkeeping methods with Infin8 Success for Business, Armada will advise you on the best possible software to strengthen your business.

Having the right software for your business helps you:

  • Obtain important information to assist in making the right decisions.


  • Ensure accurate and timely bookkeeping.


  • Give relevant stakeholders and advisors access to financial information at anytime, anywhere in the world.

Why prepare a profit and loss and cash flow forecast all in one?
Financial forecasting with Infin8 Success for Business will help you build a strong and resilient business that is geared for long term success.

A detailed profit, loss and cash flow forecast will:

  • Identify staff levels, infrastructure costs and timing of future profitability.

  • Give a month-by-month cash balance reading, enabling you to project when additional funding is required and when cash flow is available for distribution.

  • Assist with future borrowing.

  • Assist in mitigating cash flow problems.

  • Make your business look more attractive to potential buyers.

Why should we monitor actuals vs budget on a quarterly basis together?
By conducting regular monitoring with Infin8 Success for Business, Armada can help ensure that your business is able to adapt quickly to changing market conditions.

Quarterly monitoring of actuals vs budget with your business advisor helps you:

  • Keep abreast of profitability and cash flow.

  • Identify discrepancies early, and make adjustments to bring the business back on track.

  • Identify redundant business policies.

  • Determine ongoing tax planning initiatives.

  • Identify business improvement projects.

Why are business improvement projects important to the business owner?
Future planning is one of the fundamentals of a strong successful business. Using Infin8 Success for Business, Armada can help you build improvements projects into your business model.

Business improvement projects allow you to:

  • Make adjustments to enhance profits and cash flow.

  • Encourage growth through better business strategies and marketing thought processes.

  • Fireproof your business.

What can tax planning achieve for you?
Infin8 Success for Business allows you to plan for tax and avoid surprises.

Tax planning will help you:

  • Manage tax rates for the business and underlying owners.

  • Identify opportunities to grow, using tax savings as a leveraging mechanism.

  • Implement tax saving strategies.

  • Avoid nasty surprises of tax and cash flow shortfalls at tax time.

Mandatory end of financial year reporting and tax returns.
Prepare for reporting and tax season with Infin8 Success for Business and let your end of financial year be a breeze for your business.