When it comes to running a business, it is essential to have a handle on your business processes.
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Marcia Johnson as a Director in our Audit & Assurance division. Marcia Johnson re-joins Armada as familiar face to some of our team members and clients, having worked for Abbott Solutions from May 2014 – December 2015.
December and January are the most common months for people to leave their job or begin search for a new one, therefore it is not uncommon if you have noticed a slight uptick in your team turnover lately.
The most recent Employer Quarterly Super Contribution was due to be paid on 28 January 2023. Employees will be checking to ensure their employer has paid super by this date as missing or late superannuation payments can have a significant impact on the long term growth of one’s super balance.
As we noted in several editions of our newsletter, the ATO accelerated debt collection in 2022, issuing a total of 18,500 director penalty notices.
You spend years working hard to accumulate your assets, but do you have the right strategies in place to protect those assets?
This year, we have seen a great deal of turbulence in the share market. After falling sharply in mid-June, share markets experienced a brief window of recovery in mid-August reversing half of their declines.
The costs associated with Christmas parties are exempt from FBT if it occurs on a working day, on the business premises, and consumed by current employees. The property benefit is not available for associates (spouses, friends, children).
Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 (STP) came into effect on 1 January 2022 and was required to be fully implemented by 31 March 2022, unless you are a customer of compliant accounting software.
With a federal election due in May, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg announced the 2022 – 23 Budget on Tuesday evening, which heavily features measures for combatting the rising cost of living. Measures include cash payments, a cut to the fuel excise and tax breaks.